MK – NI 052



The indicator shows the overall forest and other wooded land area, the share of this area in country area, as well as share of forest landscapes naturally recovered and planted forests, share of production forest area and forests intended for soil, water, ecosystem and biodiversity protection.

The term forest means forest ecosystem on wooded land grown over with forest tree species and shrubs, bareland adjacent to forest, as well as other barelands and meadows within forest, forest nurseries, forest roads, seeds plantations, fire prevention passes in forest, wind protection belts on areas exceeding two ares in size, as well as forest within protected areas.

Wooded land is land under forest or which due to its natural properties is the most suitable for forest production, as well as land with facilities intended for forest production.

Production forests are primarily intended for permanent production of wood assortments and other wood products and services.

Forests within protected areas are designated under the Law on Nature Protection.


–        km2, ha and %.

Key policy issue

What is the trend of overall forest and other woodland area?

Key message

The share of total forest area in overall country area ranges between 35.5% and44,6%, forest area was the largest in 2016, and the smallest in 1990. In2016, there was increase in the overall forest area by 9.8%compared to 1990 when the forest area was the smallest.

With regard to share of wooded land areas in country area, data is available only for the period 2010 to 2016 and ranges between 3.8% and5.4%, reflecting increase by 44.1%.

The share of planted forest area has variable trend of decrease and increase in area.


Figure 1. Share of forests and other wooded land in country area













Figure 2. Share of planted forest in country area














Figure 3. Share of production, multiple use forestand forest area within protected areas in country area














Data coverageexcel

Source of dataState Statistical Office (


Besides production, forests also have role of nature protection through protection of biodiversity and protection against erosion. They are of great importance for sustainable development owing to influence they make on climate, water regime, oxygen production and quality of environment.

During the reporting period, the share of overall forest area in the total country area ranges between 35.5% and44.6%, forest area was the largest in 2016, and the smallest in 1990. In2016, there was increase in the overall forest area by 9.8%compared to 1990.In 2016 there was increase by 0.7% compared to 2015. The increase of the forest area is due to new measurements of forest.

With regard to share of other wooded land areas in country area, data is available only for the period 2010 to2016 and ranges between 3.8% 5.9%, reflecting increase by 44.1%.

The share of planted forest area with new forest has variable trend of decrease and increase in area. Significant decline by 52.8% was recorded in the period 1990 to 2001, followed by increase of 53.2% by 2003, and then decrease again of 37.3% by 2007. The greatest increase was recorded from 2007 to 2009 reaching 120.2%, to be followed by the greatest decline of 73.7%by2016.

The share of production forests in total forest area, in the period 2010 to2016 recorded increase by 4.8%, the share of multiuse forests noted decrease by 1.3%, and the share of forest areas within protected areas noted drop by 1.1% in total forest area.


  • Methodology for the indicator calculation

Parameters are obtained from reporting units delivered with regular statistical reports, book-keeping records, based on specific forest management plans.

Policy relevance of the indicator

Legal grounds

–        Law on Nature Protection (Official Gazette of RM no. 67/04, 14/06, 84/07, 35/10, 47/11, 148/11, 52/12, 13/13, 163/13 and 41/14)

–        Law on Forests (Official Gazette of RM no.64/09, 24/11, 53/11, 25/13, 79/13, 147/13, 43/14 and 160/14)

–        Law on State Statistics (Official Gazette of RM no.54/97, 21/07, 51/11, 104/13, 42/14 and 192/15) and Programme for statistical survey for the period 2013-2017 (Official Gazette of RM no.20/13, 24/14, 13/15 and 07/16)


The Spatial Plan of the Republic of Macedonia specifies enlargement of forest and wooded land areas, namely by 2020 the share in country area should be 48.8%.

Reporting obligation
  • FOREST EUROPE Report on “State of Forests and Sustainable Forest Management in Europe”
  • FAO Global Forest Resources Assessments (FRA)
General metadata
Code Title of the indicator Compliance with CSI/ ЕЕА or other indicators Classification by DPSIR Type Linkage with area Frequency of publication
MK NI 052 Forests and wooded land S А
  • Biodiversity
Last modified: Wednesday February 26th, 2020