МК – NI 047-2



2 Overnights of foreign tourists

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The indicator shows the total number of overnights of foreign tourists by years at country level and by statistical regions. Also, it shows the structure of overnights and average stay of tourists by country of origin.

  • Number
Key policy issue

What is the trend of overnights of foreign tourists in the Republic of Macedonia?

Key message

With regard to international tourist visits, the overnights of foreign tourists during the analyzed period have had rising trend of 4.9 times in 2017 compared to 1997year.

The Netherlands had significant share in the overnights of foreign tourists in Macedonia during the analyzed period with 4.59days average stay of tourists. By statistical regions, the highest number of overnights was recorded in Southwestern and Skopje regions. With regard to overnights of foreign tourists by types of resorts, the highest number of overnights was recorded in lake resorts with4.439.473overnights, and the lowest number in spa resorts with 335.625overnights.

Figure 1. Total number of overnights by foreign tourists

CSI_Turizam2018_47-2_gr1_ENFigure 2. Total number of overnights and average stay by foreign tourists by country of origin


Figure 3. Countries with significant share in the average stay of foreign tourists

CSI_Turizam2018_47-2_gr3_ENFigure 4. Overnights by foreign tourists by statistical regions

CSI_Turizam2018_47-2_gr4_ENFigure 5. Overnights by foreign tourists by types of resorts in the period from 2003 to 2016

CSI_Turizam2018_47-2_gr5_ENData coverage: excel

Data source: State Statistical Office, http://www.stat.gov.mk/Default_en.aspx


Overnights parallel the intensity of visits by foreign tourists in the Republic of Macedonia. Summarized results indicated that the highest number overnights was accomplished by tourists from European countries, with The Netherlands having the highest share in the average stay of tourists with 4.59days. From among other continents, tourists from Other African countries had the longest average stay with 2.75days. Observation of the trends enables us to follow the extent to which the attractiveness of the environment is adjusted to the demands of these visitors.

Regional distribution of accomplished foreign overnights indicates that tourists in Southwestern region have accomplished highest number of overnights, followed by Skopje region, which is unfavorable circumstance in the context of foreign tourist visits as the visits take place mainly in urban environments. Observation of relations within regional distribution of overnights accomplished by foreign tourists enables considerations of measures undertaken towards accomplishment of overnights in other regions with specific values.

The average number of foreign tourists provides the opportunity to monitor the level of prevalence of the characteristics of environment. The Figure indicates that foreign tourists stay for relatively short time in the Republic of Macedonia. This duration is around 2.20days at an average during the analyzed period which reflects significant lagging behind the average stay by national tourists which is 4.56days.

With regard to overnights of foreign tourists by types of resorts, the highest share in the overall number of overnights is recorded in lake resorts with 41.89%, followed by Skopje with 34.04%, other resorts with a share of 17.23%, mountain resorts with a share of 3.66% and the lowest share belongs to spa resorts with 3.16% in the total number of overnights.


  • Methodology for the indicator calculation

The data on tourists have been obtained on the basis of the regular monthly reports of catering and other business entities providing services of accommodation to tourists or act as intermediaries in the provision of these services. Guest books kept by business operators as a legal obligation are sources of data.

Policy relevance

List of relevant policy documents

  • National Strategy for Tourism Development 2009 – 2013
  • National Environmental Action Plan – 2 – in Section 4.2.6. Tourism, describes the main challenge for sustainable tourism development, implementation of economic potential with minimum possible impact on the environment.
  • Spatial Plan of the Republic of Macedonia – in its Chapter 5.4. “Tourism development and organization of tourist areas”, defines the status, objectives and planning determinations for tourism development.
  • National Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Macedonia – in the section on tourism, presents the directions for sustainable development of tourism, within short, medium, and long-term frames, up to 2030.
  • Strategy for Biological Diversity Protection in the Republic of Macedonia with Action Plan – under measure C.5 “Stimulation of traditional use of biological diversity and eco-tourism”, defines the action for identification of sites suitable for eco-tourism.

Legal grounds

The Law on Tourist Activity specifies the conditions and the manner of performing tourist activity (Chapter 15 Services in rural, ethno and eco-tourism), Law on Catering Activity.

The Law on Environment, the Law on Nature Protection, the Law on Waste Management, the Law on Ambient Air Quality and the Law on Waters regulate partially the requirements for environmental protection in tourist activity.

  • Integration of the principles of sustainable development and environmental considerations in tourist sector
  • Identification of areas of priority importance for tourism development
  • Encouragement of exchange of best practices between public and private tourist interests
  • Protection of natural heritage and biological diversity in tourist destinations
  • Adoption and implementation of legislation in the area of tourism to regulate the protection of the environmnet
  • Promotion of organic farming, healthy food production and especially traditional production of certain products (e.g. cheese, wine), production of honey, herbs growing, etc.

Promotion of certain types of tourism such as wine tourism, hunting tourism, birds observation tourism, etc.

Reporting obligation
  • Yearly to EUROSTAT
  • World Tourist Organization (WTO)
  • Annual tourist review of tourism and other services
  • Five-year interview of foreign tourists in accommodation establishments
General metadata
Code Title of the indicator Compliance with CSI ЕЕА or other indicators Classification by DPSIR Type Linkage with area Frequency of publication
MK NI 0472 Tourism intensity in the Republic of Macedonia TOUR 12







Overnights spent in



D,P А Biological diversity









Every five years

Last modified: Wednesday December 14th, 2022