Shukova at the fifth anniversary of National Spatial Data Infrastructure Day in the Republic of North Macedonia

Today, the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Kaja Shukova, participated in the fifth jubilee of National Spatial Data Infrastructure Day in the Republic of North Macedonia, where current events in National Spatial Data Infrastructure were discussed, and the results achieved in our country were presented, as well as positive experiences from the countries of the region.PP_Ministerka_Kaja Sukova

In her opening address, Minister Shukova informed that the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning has been actively involved from the very beginning in the establishment of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure and the Geoportal of NSDI, which enabled the integration of spatial data from different sources into one network, and also participated in the drafting of the legal solution and later in nominating a member of the council and the working group for technological issues.Prostorni_planovi_Ministerka_Kaja Sukova

–       In the last few years, our Ministry has invested heavily in the development of the WEB GIS application for collecting, processing, and presenting geospatial data within the scope of the Ministry’s operations, and this year we provided funds for the development of a WEB-based information system and the integration of geospatial data in geo – the database according to the INSPIRE directive. Our goal and challenge are to enable faster and more efficient processing of requests sent by interested entities that refer to spatial identification, the issuance of opinions, approvals, permits, etc., and, above all, to facilitate public access to data related to the protection and monitoring of the environment – she emphasized.Prostorni_planovi_Ministerka_Kaja Sukova_1

Otherwise, the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning and the Agency for Real Estate Cadastre, which coordinated NSDI activities and is responsible for establishing and maintaining access to the geoportal for NSDI, have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation, which confirms the readiness for the exchange of geospatial data between these two institutions.

The event was addressed by Fatmir Bitiqi, President of the NSDI Council and Deputy Prime Minister in Charge of Economic Affairs, Coordination of Economic Departments and Investments; Director of the Agency for Real Estate Cadastre, Boris Tundzev, and guests from several countries in the region who also took part and presented their experience in the field of national spatial data infrastructure.