The system of registration of pollutants release and transfer in the region is upgraded

1(08.11.2016)To make insight in the current developments related to the implementation of the Protocol on Polluters Release and Transfer Registers, exchange experiences and applied knowledge with countries that have more advanced PRTR systems, as well as carry out adaptation of PRTR systems in order to enable their more efficient development make the main challenges at the two day sub-regional workshop on “Successes, challenges and best practices in the development of the Polluters Release and Transfer Registers (PRTR) in Western Balkan countries and Republic of Moldova”, held today and tomorrow in Skopje.

The workshop is organized as a result of the cooperation of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning with the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) in the frames of the Project “Support to the establishment and development of the Protocol on Polluters Release and Transfer Registers in Western Balkan countries and Republic of Moldova”.

Deputy Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Stevo Temelkovski in his opening address underlined the importance of the availability of information on the releases and transfers of pollutants into environmental media thus providing public participation in decision making and achievement of the ultimate goal – undertaking of appropriate actions towards pollution reduction.

– The implementation of this Project will enable strengthening of the capacity of the authorities, installations and NGOs for implementation of the PRTR Protocol in practice. Industry has special role in the process of establishment and maintenance of operational register by way of delivering the required reports, contributing to successful implementation of the Protocol requirements. In this way, the industry demonstrates social responsibility and enables access to information on their activities and pollutants emission into environment, said Deputy Minister Temelkovski.

Besides representatives of the Macedonian Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, the workshop was also attended by experts and representatives of the competent ministries from Albania, Serbia and Moldova, as well as high level representatives of REC, German Embassy in Macedonia and EU Delegation.

Comprehensive database of national information on pollutants emission serves as explanation of the Polluters Release and Transfer Register. PRTR consists of annually updated information on emissions of 91 pollutants in the media and areas (air, water and soil) of the environment, as well as their transfer outside the location. It also comprises information and data on the prevention and control of environment pollution.