The final national conference of the project to stimulate green employment was held

The Deputy Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Hristina Odzaklieska, today in Bitola, participated in the final national conference held within the framework of the project “Stimulating green employment: cross-border educational and technological innovations Hot-Spots / G.E.M.S.”

In her speech, the Deputy Minister emphasized that we, as a state, target green jobs in all strategic and planning documents.1- zamenik_zeleni rabotni mesta

– Green jobs are a reality and a future, they contribute to social equality and preservation, restoration and improvement of the environment. In that context, young people, as the main bearers of the fight against climate change, should receive the right direction for choosing an appropriate education and workplace. They must be educated, but also trained to work in the right positions in which economic development will take place in parallel with the protection of the environment. At the same time, we need to provide additional training to the existing staff in order to respond to the challenge and take advantage of the opportunities, and at the same time ensure a just energy transition in which we will not leave anyone behind – said Odzaklieska.2-zamenik_zeleni rabotni mesta

The project is financed by the EU INTERREG IPA program for cross-border cooperation, Republic of Greece – Republic of North Macedonia 2014 – 2020 and it is implemented by: “Business Academy Smilevski” – BAS, the Regional Chamber based in Bitola from the Macedonian side, the “University of Western Macedonia” and the Center for Research and Technology “Hellas” from Greece.