Regional GEF workshop for the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia

The Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Kaja Shukova, opened the 4th day of the GEF workshop under the title “GEF Partnership Projects for Generating Global Environmental Benefits”. The GEF workshop enables the presence of representatives from 16 countries from the regions of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

3The workshop aims at the joint sharing of experiences from the development and implementation of GEF projects between participating countries, as well as their integration within national policies.

6“Never in the history of mankind has the world faced so many environmental threats. Climate change now is called a climate emergency. We are losing biodiversity at an alarming rate. Oceans, seas, and rivers are choking with plastic, and we continue to produce toxic chemicals that are harmful to people and wildlife. For millions of people, access to fresh water and sanitation is a huge challenge. I strongly believe that during this workshop we will all have a unique opportunity to at least initiate activities to deal with some of the most urgent environmental threats, which are known under the term “Triple Planetary Crisis”, to exchange experiences and good practices from your countries and regions” Shukova said in her speech.