Start of the Project for strengthening of the administrative capacity in transposition and implementation of the new Directive on industrial emissions

twining1Today, the Minister of Environment and Physical PlanningNurhan Izairi opened the kick-off meeting of the Twinning Project aimed at strengthening of the administrative capacity in transposition and implementation of the new Directive on industrial emissions, on central and local level.

– The new Directive is the main instrument for prevention of emissions from large industrial activities. It applies integrated approach aimed at preventing and reducing pollution of the environment in all aspects, such as air, soil, water, use of resources/energy, as well as waste generation by industrial activities. It also sets the main principles of permitting and control relying upon stricter control of the Best Available Techniques(BATs) – said Minister Izairi on this occassion.

The Project value is 900.000 EUR and its duration is 15 months. Its implementation started on 1 October2015.

The Project is composed of four components, under which assessment of economic effect on industrial sector will be assessed in relation to the implementation of the Directive. New Law on Industrial Emission Control will be prepared together with bylaws deriving from it. Central and local administrations will strengthen their capacity in proper implementation of the new legal provisions through development of manuals and instructions for appropriate implementation of Directive, organization of trainings, workshops and seminars, as well as analysis, assessment and development of pilot A and B permits. Also, priority list of equipment required to implement the new Directive on industrial emissions will be prepared in the frames of the Project.

Partners in the project implementation are Austria, through the Environmental Agency (as leading partner) and Spain through two institutions, as well as Regional Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructures of Galicia and International Foundation for Public Administration and Public Policies – FIIAPP (as junior partner).

The kick-off meeting was addressed by the EU Ambassador in the Republic of Macedonia H.E. Aivo Orav, Vice President of the Government for European affairs Fatmir Besimi, Ambassador of Austria H.E. Renate Kobler, Ambassador of Spain Н.Е. Ramon Abaroa Karanza and Director of the Austrian Environmental Agency Georg Rebernig.