Yesterday in Ohrid, the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Kaja Shukova, and the President of the Association of Public Service Providers of the Republic of North Macedonia – ADKOM, Pece Milevski, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation confirming the cooperation between the two institutions.
The Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning and ADKOM are long-standing partners with a common interest in achieving mutual cooperation, expressed through the exchange of expert and applied opinions and practices in the field of water and waste management.
Relying on the legal framework that regulates the competences, the MOEPP and ADKOM signed this Memorandum, continuing the commitment to improve the quality, efficiency and sustainability in the delivery of public utility services in the Republic of North Macedonia.
The Memorandum of cooperation was signed within the framework of the two-day event “Communal Services Days” held yesterday and today in the organization of ADKOM in Ohrid with the aim of getting to know the work, successes, everyday life, but also the problems in the operation of Public Services.