Established floating barriers for waste on the Sateska and Daljan rivers within the framework of the platform “Our pride. Our responsibility” of Brewery Skopje


The Deputy Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Hristina Odzaklieska, addressed today the press conference held in Ohrid on the occasion of the installation of floating barriers on the Sateska and Daljan rivers to protect Lake Ohrid from waste. The establishment of barriers was realized within the framework of the long-term platform for social responsibility “Our pride. Our responsibility.” of “Brewery Skopje” and the Skopsko brand, in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning and the company “Pacomak”. The main objective of the platform is environmental protection, with a focus on cleaning national landmarks from waste and pollution protection.



In her speech, Deputy Minister Odzaklieska referred to the partnership relationship of the Ministry of Environment with the entire business community in the country for the purpose of implementing the green agenda and implementing joint initiatives for environmental protection.

– Of great importance is the cooperation of institutions and companies in efforts to develop sustainable waste management through selection, collection and recycling of waste. By establishing a solid dialogue between the local government, the central government, the business community, the media and all other citizens, we can contribute to the protection of Lake Ohrid and solid waste management. United, through strong partnerships, we can ensure a sustainable future. Brewery Skopje is an example of socially responsible company with real projects that make visible changes. – said Odzaklieska.

The funds for the implementation of this activity were obtained from the initiative to allocate 1 denar from each sold glass bottle with a special label of 0.5l Skopsko and Skopsko Smooth. The floating barriers of Satesca and Daljan, which were established by Pacomak’s expert teams, will function as a physical barrier that will prevent floating and packaging waste from ending up in the waters of Lake Ohrid. Both rivers have been identified as some of the biggest polluters of the lake with floating and packaging waste.

1The mayor of Ohrid Municipality, Kiril Petsakov, the mayor of Debrca Municipality, Zoran Nogaceski, the operational director of Pacomak, Iko Brdarovski, and the general director of Brewery Skopje, Dusan Mitrev, also spoke at the press conference.