Based on Article 48 of the Law on Waste Management “Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia” No. 216/2021), the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning publishes:


  1. Every candidate who applies for the announcement to take the professional exam for a waste manager must meet the following conditions:

–          To have a residence in the Republic of North Macedonia;

–          To have completed at least VI level higher education or higher education with at least VII/1, that is, a diploma with at least 180 credits according to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS);

–          By a valid decision, that he/she is not banned from performing a profession, activity or duty, as long as the consequences of the ban last and

–          To have at least 3 years of work experience after graduation in handling waste and/or the environment

–          Certificate/proof of mandatory waste management training/senior waste manager from an authorized legal entity by the MOEPP

  1. The candidate who applies for the announcement to take the professional exam for a waste manager, should submit the following documents:

–          Request for taking a professional exam, which will clearly state the candidate’s general information (name and surname, phone number, e-mail);

–          Identity card (copy of inspection) – to prove the place of residence;

–          Diploma in the relevant field (original or notarized copy);

–          Proof of work experience after graduation in handling waste and/or the environment;

–          Proof by a valid decision, that he/she has not been banned from performing a profession, activity or duty, as long as the consequences of the ban last

–          Proof of funds paid as a fee for taking a professional exam for a waste manager – Payment form PP/50 in the amount of 12.000(twelve thousand) denars, paid to the giro account of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, purpose of remittance: passing waste manager exam, budget user account 12100115202631 10, revenue code and program 718112 10.

  1. The necessary documents are submitted to the archives of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, Square Presveta Bogorodica No.3, 2nd floor.
  2. The deadline for registering to take the exam is 02.10.2023.
  3. The first part of the exam is scheduled for October 9, 2023 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., the second part of the exam is scheduled for October 30, 2023 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  4. The program for taking the exam as well as all materials can be found on the website of the Ministry