Minister Izairi at the promotion of air quality project

3(09.09.2015) Today, the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Nurhan Izairi, Euro-Ambassador H.E. Aivo Orav and Honorable Consule of Finland Svetozar Janevski addressed the promotion of the EU funded Twinning |Project “Further strengthening of the capacity for effective implementation of the acquisin the area of air quality”.

– The Project envisages review of the National plan for Air Emissions Reduction and elaboration of projections for national emissions by 2030. It is also planned to prepare local plans to specify short and long term measures for ambient air quality protection; also, campaign concerning additional measurements of the composition of РМ10 for the purpose of developing a high quality Plan for improvement of the air quality in the City of Skopje, said Minister Izairi, expressing pleasure with the excellent results achieved so far through a number of projects in the field of air quality, as part of the European Programmes PHARE, CARDS and IPA.

Financially supported by these programmes, Republic of Macedonia has prepared the legislation in the area of air, transposing the relevant EU Directives, established state ambient air quality monitoring system, system for data quality management, as well as air quality portal to present relevant information in the field of air.

Media campaigns, more efficient information system and richer web portal on air quality make part of the activities to enable public awareness increase for this subject matter.

Stating his belief that EU will continue providing support to the Ministry in coping with challenges in the area of environment protection, Ambassador Orav said that only by joint efforts of all stakeholders at national, regional and local level we can contribute to clean air for present, but also for future generations.

Project duration is 21 months implemented from May 2015 to January 2017 and financial support amounting 1.1 million EUR has been provided by IPA.

The main purpose of this project is to strengthen the capacity at local and central levels in the domain of air quality management and impact of air pollution on health through trainings in monitoring, assessment and reporting and implementation of the relevant EU law.