CONFERENCE: Management of packaging and packaging waste – How to achieve national targets?

DSC_0996The Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Nurhan Izairi attended and addressed the Conference on: “Management of packaging and packaging waste – How to achieve national targets?”, which took place today in the premises of the Chamber of Commerce of Macedonia.

The Conference was aimed at identifying the state, problems and challenges, and to propose measures for all stakeholders in the process of packaging and packaging waste management by increasing the rates of packaging waste recycling and achievement of national targets by 2020.

In his address, the Minister said:

-Management of waste is one of the most important areas in the area of environment protection. In order to respond to modern requirements in forthcoming years and overcome the current situation by establishing sustainable waste management system compliant with EU requirements, the Law on Waste Management was adopted as basic framework. Furthermore, special laws were adopted with regard to special waste streams management, such as the Law on Packaging and Packaging Waste Management.


I avail myself of this opportunity to point out that good and open cooperation between the bodies of the Government and collective waste managers as representatives of the business community in Macedonia is of exceptional importance in order to achieve the targets set in front of us as obligation under the national legislation, but also an obligation undertaken towards the institutions of the European Union. Our task is exactly that – you as collective waste operators to organize the system of packaging waste collection and recycling, and we as state authority responsible for the system implementation and supervision, to adopt joint proposals for protection and sustainable development, for the general good of the business community and citizens in the Republic of Macedonia.