Minister Izairi at the meeting of the Executive Body of the European Environmental Health Process

1(24.11.2015).Today, the Minister of Environment and Physical PlanningNurhan Izairi, addressed the opening session of the two day meeting of the Executive Body of the European Environmental Health Process, at which priority was given to topics of air pollution risk management, management of various types of waste, building of resistant urban settlements and coping with climate change.

– On this occasion, I would like to point to our activities in the area of climate change, where almost all strategic documents and action plans at national and local levels have been prepared. We are also committed to the protection of the quality of the air, where we have been engaged in Twinning Programmes funded by EU for the purpose of improving legislation, monitoring and infrastructure for air quality management on national and local level. In partnership with the Ministry of Health, we have also established methodology for air pollution based health risks assessment. Unfortunately, I have to indicate that air pollution is one fo the most severe environmental health problems in the country, said Minister Izairi in his address.

The meeting in Skopje was organized as part of the preparations for the next VI Ministerial Conference on Health and Environment to be held in 2017.

The meeting was chaired by Prof.Dragan Gjorgjev from the Public Health Institute and Deputy Minister of Health Jovica Andovski addressed the meeting, too. The meeting was attended by representatives of health and environment areas of 53 countries from the European Region of the World Health Organization.