The municipalities signed the Declaration for active protection of the environment and mitigating climate change

The mayors of the municipalities in the Republic of North Macedonia, today signed a Declaration for active protection of the environment and mitigating climate change, confirming the commitment to achieving the goals of sustainable urban development, environmental protection and improving the quality of life of current and future generations.

4 Општините потпишаа Декларација за активна заштита на животната средина и ублажување на климатските промениThe event on the topic “Local approach to active protection of the environment and mitigating climate change” was opened by the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Kaja Shukova, who pointed out that she is satisfied that the awareness of the municipalities about the environment is increasing, which can be concluded after the number of mayors present at the event.

5 Општините потпишаа Декларација за активна заштита на животната средина и ублажување на климатските промени–          By signing this Declaration for the Green Agenda 2020, the central and local administration undertakes a commitment at the national and local level to realize the commitments from the document, while the implementation is largely at the local level. Therefore, it is necessary for the municipalities to fully participate in the implementation of the obligations and duties and take measures in accordance with the Green Agenda – emphasized the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Kaja Shukova.

At the same time, she expressed her belief that the implementation of activities in which the central and local authorities will be jointly involved will continue.

6 Општините потпишаа Декларација за активна заштита на животната средина и ублажување на климатските промени–          This is, first of all, due to the need to strengthen the administrative capacities of the local self-government and improve the implementation of environmental legislation, and because the local self-government continues to face an even greater number of activities that need to be addressed as a challenge taken into relation to the preservation of the environment at the local level – the minister added.

At the event, the obligations of the municipalities from the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans were presented through a display of activities and opportunities for financing at the local level, as well as the possibilities of the municipalities for preparing plans for sustainable energy and climate.

7 Општините потпишаа Декларација за активна заштита на животната средина и ублажување на климатските промениThe event is organized as part of the project “Civil Organizations in Action for Climate Change” implemented by Eco-awareness, the Macedonian Association of Young Lawyers and the Organization for Connecting Natural Values and People – CNVP, and is financially supported by the government of Sweden, in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning – Sector for Cooperation with Local Self-Government and Administrative and Supervisory Affairs.