Odzaklieska in Thessaloniki at the First International Circular Economy Forum

The Deputy Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Hristina Odzaklieska, is participating in the First International Circular Economy Forum, which under the motto “Forward Green” (FG Expo) is being held from June 8 to 10 in Thessaloniki, Republic of Greece.Оџаклиеска во Солун на првиот меѓународен форум за циркуларна економија

This important multidisciplinary international event features an exhibition segment combined with a Circular Economy Forum, entitled “The Present and Future of the Circular Economy”, and in several different panels it represents a unique opportunity at an international level to develop a discussion on a wide range of issues, dilemmas and visions which are essential for establishing a circular economy, and they are focused on waste, water, renewable energy sources, then circular agriculture, circular tourism, and eco-innovations.

The participants of the Forum represented a wide range of stakeholders – representatives of the central government, regional and local governments from several countries, then representatives of the business community, the academic community, and civil and international organizations, while Deputy Minister Odzaklieska had her speech at the panel “From linear to circular economy” which was also addressed by Petros Varelidis, General Secretary for Environment and Water, at the Ministry of Environment and Energy of the Republic of Greece, as well as Rosen Hristov, Minister of Energy of Bulgaria and several renowned scientists and experts from Bulgaria, Greece and North Macedonia.IMG_20230608_141907

In her speech, Odzaklieska emphasized that in order to establish a circular economy, we first need to start by changing the mental perception of economic progress and establishing a completely new approach to production, raw materials, the meaning of innovative technological processes and finally waste management.

– I consider that one of the biggest priorities. This process is only possible by building strong partnerships with all stakeholders, starting with national and local authorities, collective waste handlers, then with the business community, the civil sector, and of course the citizens themselves. For that reason, I think that such communications that connect us at the national, local and regional level are very important – said Deputy Minister Odzaklieska.

– At the same time, this event provides an opportunity to share valuable experiences, identify solutions and strengthen the political, but also the scientific dialogue and cooperation for the realization of joint commitments for the essential and comprehensive establishment of a circular economy, she added.IMG_20230608_141939

The exhibition and congress event “Forward Green” (FG Expo) is an initiative of TIF – HELEXPO which aims to contribute to the implementation of a new entrepreneurial mentality, based on circular economy, green development and transformation of business models in order to preserve natural resources and to move towards sustainable development.