MK – NI 066



This indicator tracks the quantity of generated medical waste by types. This indicator monitors the achievement of strategic objectives, namely avoidance to the maximum extent possible, reduction of the quantity of generated hazardous waste, prevention of negative impacts of waste on environment, human life and health, as well as high level of environment and human life and health protection.

  • Kilogram/Ton/year
Key question

What is the status of the quantity of medical waste in the Republic of Macedonia? Data on the types and the wuantities of medical waste and quantity for handling?

Key message

In the period between 2010 and 2016, gradual increase in the quantity of generated medical waste was recorded in the Republic of Macedonia. This leads to the conclusion that the number of hazardous medical waste generators increased as well and those are obliged to report once in a year on the waste handling in accordance with the legislation in the area of medical waste management.

Figure 1. Total quantity of generated medical waste in the period 2010 to 2016


















Data coverage: excel

Source of data: Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning


The quantity of generated medical waste in the period from 2010 to2016increased gradually. Based on the data submitted, the quantity of reported generated medical waste for 2016amounted 712,24tons compared to 2010 when the quantity of generated medical waste was 195.6 tons. The quantity of generated medical wasteincreased by 3.5 times.

According to reports submitted for 2016for further handling of medical waste, the quantity of the medical waste handed over to other persons was 698,60tons. Quantity of 13,64tons of liquid waste was treated automatically. The biggest portion of the reported quantity belongs to infective waste (18 01 03*) with648,35tons.

We may conclude that the medical waste handed over to third persons in the Republic of Macedonia is treated adequately and neutralized and does not pose any direct hazard to environment and people.

We should also point out that the presented quantities of medical waste do not show total quantities of generated medical waste at the level of the Republic of Macedonia.

  • Methodology for the indicator calculation

The indicator is developed on the basis of data and information obtained in accordance with the provisions of the Rulebook on the format and the content of the journal for waste handling records keeping, the format and the content of the forms for the waste identification and transport and the format and the content of the forms of the annual reports for waste handling. The type of the waste is determined by the List of waste types.

Legal ground
  • Law on Environment
  • Law on Waste Management
  • Rulebook on the manner of medical waste handling, as well as the manner of medical waste packaging and marking
  • Rulebook on the format and the content of the journal for waste handling records keeping, the format and the content of the forms for the waste identification and transport and the format and the content of the forms of the annual reports for waste handling
  • List of waste types
  • National classification of activities
  • Law on State Statistics
  • Programme for statistical surveys

Avoidance and reduction to the maximum possible extent of the quantity of generated waste;

Disposal of waste in environmentally acceptable manner; and

High level of environment and human life and health protection.

General metadata
Code Title of the indicator Compliance with CSI/ЕЕА or other indicators Classification by DPSIR Тype Linkage with area Frequency of publication
MK NI 066 Quantity of generated medical waste P B




Last modified: Tuesday December 13th, 2022