MK – NI 064



This indicator tracks the quantity of generated waste batteries and accumulators (WBA) by types; it also tracks the achievement of targets through avoiding and reducing the waste generated, achievement of high rate of waste batteries and accumulators collection, recycling and other types of waste batteries and accumulators recovery.

  • Kilogram/year, percentage (%).
Key question

What is the status of the quantity of batteries and accumulators released on the market in the Republic of Macedonia?What is the quantity of collected, treated, recycled and exported WBAs?

Key message

During the reporting period, from 2011 to 2015, gradual increase in the quantity of BAs released on the market in the Republic of Macedonia, quantity of collected waste batteries and accumulators, as well as quantity of treated and recycled waste batteries and accumulators was recorded. This means that the rate of WBAs collection aiming at achievement of the national targets is increasing.


Figure 1. Total quantity of batteries and accumulators














Data coverage: excel

Source of data: Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning


The Law on the Management of Batteries and Accumulators and Waste Batteries and Accumulators sets the requirements for environment protection that have to be fulfilled by batteries and accumulators at their production and release on the market in the Republic of Macedonia. It also regulates the handling of waste batteries and accumulatorsincluding the obligations and responsibilities of economic operators and other entities involved in the process of production and release on the market batteries and accumulators that contain hazardous substances, the rules for collection, recovery, recycling and disposal of waste batteries and accumulators, as well as other conditions for waste batteries and accumulatorshandling, reporting and economic instruments for achievement of the national targets for waste batteries and accumulatorscollection and recovery.

The analyzed data for the period 2011 to 2015shows increase in the quantity of batteries and accumulators released on the market by 78%.

The quantity of collected WBAs from 2011 to 2012 was reduced by 79.22%, but in the followup period from 2012 to2015it noted a positive trend increasing by six times. The quantity of treated and recycled WBAs from 2011 to 2012 manifested decrease by 77%, while from 2012 to 2015it increased by five times.

The above indicates that the handling of waste batteries and accumulatorshas positive trend of increase in the quantities of collected waste batteries and accumulatorsby which the set national targets would be achieved gradually.

The quantity of exported WBAs for treatment and recycling for 2015amounted112.725kg.


  • Methodology for the indicator calculation

Data and calculation for the indicator were made by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning using information and data obtained under the Rulebook on the format and the content of the form of the annual report on waste batteries and accumulatorshandling and the manner of its submission, as well as the format and the content of the form for records keeping of the quantities and types of batteries and accumulators released on the market in the Republic of Macedonia.

Policy relevance

List of relevant policy documents:

Strategy for Waste Management of the Republic of Macedonia (2008 -2020)

National Waste Management Plan of the Republic of Macedonia(2009 – 2015)

Assessment of the state of waste batteries and accumulators management of the Republic of Macedonia

Legal grounds

  • Law on Waste Management
  • Law on the Management of Batteries and Accumulators and Waste Batteries and Accumulators
  • Rulebook on the format and the content of the form of the annual report on waste batteries and accumulatorshandling and the manner of its submission, as well as the format and the content of the form for records keeping of the quantities and types of batteries and accumulators released on the market in the Republic of Macedonia
  • Rulebook on the manner of monitoring and calculating the achievement of the rates of waste batteries and accumulators collection, as well as the format and the content of the form for monitoring and calculation

EU and other international regulations:

Directive on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators2006/66/EC and amendments 2008/12/ЕC, 2008/103/EC


Under the principle of sustainable development of the Law on the Management of Batteries and Accumulators and Waste Batteries and Accumulators, the following general objectives should be achieved:

–          Reduction in the quantity of waste batteries and accumulators disposed of at landfill,

–          Achievement of high level of waste batteries and accumulatorscollection,

–          Achievement of high level of waste batteries and accumulatorsrecycling and other forms of recovery,

–          Provision of conditions for establishment of handling system (return, collection, recovery and recycling) for waste batteries and accumulators,

–          Provision of conditions for establishment and development of market for waste batteries and accumulators recovery and recycling, and

–          Provision of equal position on the market between domestic and foreign legal and natural persons and avoidance and elimination of trade barriers that may disrupt the market.

Also, the following targets should be achieved:

а) 25% at minimum of the weight of the portable batteries and accumulators released on the market in the Republic of Macedonia should be collected by the end of 2016, and

b) 45% at minimum of the weight of the portable batteries and accumulators released on the market in the Republic of Macedonia should be collected by the end of 2020.

General metadata
Code Title of the indicator Compliance with CSI/ЕЕА or other indicators Classification by DPSIR Тype Linkage with area Frequency of publication
MK NI 064 Quantity of generated waste batteries and accumulators P B




Last modified: Monday November 21st, 2022