GLOBE in Macedonia

Interactive map of GLOBE schools in Macedonia

Macedonia is an interesting area for ecological monitoring, and in that context for developing the GLOBE Programme. With this motivation, the Republic of Macedonia and the American GLOBE Programme, through the Ministry of Education and Physical Culture of the Republic of Macedonia, on one side, and the National Oceanography and Atmosphere Directorate of USA, on the other, concluded an Agreement for Accession of Macedonia to the Programme, on 24 August 1998.

The activities within the framework of the GLOBE Programme are carried out by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, through the Macedonia Environmental Informative Center, in cooperation with the Peace Corps in Macedonia and the Ministry of Education and Science.

GLOBE Country Coordinator

GLOBE Country Coordinator

Svetlana Gjorgjeva,

Head of Macedonian Environmental Information Center

Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning

Blvd. „Goce Delcev“ bb MRTV 11 floor

tel. + 389 02 3 251 500

fax. + 389 02 3 220 165

GLOBE Assistant Country Coordinator

Katerina Nikolovska,

Head of Analysis and Reporting Division

Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning

Blvd. „Goce Delcev“ bb MRTV 11 floor

tel. + 389 02 3 251 482

fax. + 389 02 3 220 165

GLOBE Trainers

GLOBE schools – pdf

Awarded GLOBE schools

GLOBE teachers

GLOBE events

GLOBE seminars

GLOBE Newspaper

Cooperation between GLOBE schools

GLOBE Projects – application in teaching

GLOBE Protocols