MK – NI 065



This indicator tracks the quantity of generated packaging waste. The purpose of this indicator is to prevent generation of packaging waste, reduce the quantity of packaging waste, achieve high rate of packaging reuse, recycling and other types of packaging waste recovery.

  • Tons/year, percentage (%).
Key question

What is the status of the quantity of packaging released on the market in the Republic of Macedonia? What is the quantity of generated, recycled and recovered packaging waste?

Key message

During the period from 2011 to 2015, increase was recorded in the quantity of packaging waste released on the market and consequentlyincrease in the quantity of collected, recycled and recovered individual materials of the packaging aiming at achievement of the national targets for packaging waste handling.


Figure 1. Trend of the overall quantities of packaging released on the market
















Figure 2. Trend of the overall quantities of collected packaging waste















Figure 3. Trend of recycling and recovery by year compared to targets














Data coverage: excel

Source of data: Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning


The Law on the Management of Packaging and Packaging Waste sets the requirements for environment protection that have to be fulfilled by the packaging at production, release on the market and introducing for use. It also regulates the handling of the packaging waste including the obligations and responsibilities of economic operators and other entities involved in the process of production, release on the market and introducing for use of the packaging, the rules for collection, reuse, recovery and disposal, as well as other conditions for packaging waste handling, reporting and economic instruments for achievement of the national targets for packaging waste collection and recovery.

The quantity of the packaging waste released on the market in 2015 was 64.369,48 tons. This quantity compared to the one in 2011 reflects increase by 33%. Further more, the total quantity of collected packaging waste in 2015 increased by 3,5 times compared to 2011 and amounted 22.992,25 tons. The percentage of packaging waste recycling for2015 was35,3%, while the percentage of recovery or burning in waste co-incinerators with energy recovery was 35,6%.

The above indicates that the handling of packaging waste has positive trend of increase in the quantities of recycling of the material and other forms of recovery by which the set national targets would be achieved gradually.

  • Methodology for the indicator calculation

The indicator was developed on the basis of the Rulebook on the format and the content of the form of the annual report on the type and the quantity of packaging released on the market or imported in the Republic of Macedonia during the preceding calendar year and such packaging wastehandling, the format and the content of the form for records keeping of the overall packaging released on the market or imported in the Republic of Macedonia, as well as the manner of records keeping.

Rulebook on the manner of keeping, the format and the detailed content of the database and informations system of packaging and packaging waste.

Policy relevance

List of relevant policy documents:

Strategy for Waste Management of the Republic of Macedonia (2008 -2020)

National Waste Management Plan of the Republic of Macedonia (2009 – 2015)

Programme for packaging waste management

Legal grounds

  • Law on Waste Management
  • Law on the Management of Packaging and Packaging Waste
  • List of illustrative examples of packaging
  • Rulebook on the manner of numbering and abbreviations on which the system of identification is based and marking of the materials of which the packaging was made, as well as the format and the content of the label for packaging waste handling
  • Rulebook on the format and the content of the form of the annual report on the type and the quantity of packaging released on the market or imported in the Republic of Macedonia during the preceding calendar year and such packaging wastehandling, the format and the content of the form for records keeping of the overall packaging released on the market or imported in the Republic of Macedonia, as well as the manner of records keeping
  • Rulebook on the manner of keeping, the format and the detailed content of the database and informations system of packaging and packaging waste
  • Rulebook on the conditions for durable packaging and types of packaging serving as parameters that the packaging is durable

EU and other international regulations:

Directive on packaging and packaging waste 94/62/EC and amendments 2004/12/EC


Under the principle of sustainable development of the Law on the Management of Packaging and Packaging Waste, the following general objectives should be achieved:

  • to prevent generation of packaging waste,
  • to reduce the quantity of packaging waste,
  • to reduce and restrict the use of harmful metals and matters in packaging and thus reduce the toxicity of the packaging waste,
  • to prevent or reduce negative impact of packaging wasteon environment and provide high level of environment protection,
  • to provide conditions for establishment of system for return, selection, collection, reuse, recovery and recycling of packaging waste,
  • to provide conditions for establishment and development of market of packaging wasterecovery and recycling, and
  • to provide equal position between domestic and foreign legal and natural persons and avoide and eliminate trade barriers that may disrupt the market.

National targets for packaging waste handling require that the following quantities of packaging and packaging waste should be and recovered on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia within the following deadlines:

a) by the end of 2020, at least 60% of the weight of the packaging waste generated on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia should be recovered by recovery operations or energy recovery operations;

b) by the end of 2020, at least55% and 80% at maximum of the weight of the packaging waste generated on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia should be recycled;

c) by the end of 2020, the following quantities of materials of which the packaging is produced should be recycled:

– 60% glass,

– 60% paper and cardboard,

– 50% metals, and

– 15% wood; and

d) by the end of 2018, 22.5% plastics, taking into account only the recyclable materials in the plastic.

The exported quantities of packaging waste will be taken into account in the fulfillment of the obligations and achievement of the targets set under the law only if there is evidence that those have been recovered in a manner not harmful for the environment and equivalent with the manner defined in the regulations for environment protection and waste management in the Republic of Macedonia.

General metadata
Code Title of the indicator Compliance with CSI/ЕЕА or other indicators Classification by DPSIR Тype Linkage with area Frequency of publication
MK NI 065 Quantity of generated packaging P B




Last modified: Tuesday December 13th, 2022