Rehabilitation and Extension of the Sewerage Network in the Municipality of Kichevo
Project Data of EU funded project through IPA 2014-2020 |
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Project Title |
Rehabilitation and Extension of the Sewerage Network in the Municipality of Kichevo
NEAR/SKP/2020/EA-OP/0028-12-3723/1 |
Main Objectives of the Project |
The overall objective of the project is to improve municipal wastewater collection infrastructure in compliance with the Directive 91/271/EEC and national law.
The project envisages measures for upgrading of the existing system, which would contribute to the following:
-improved hygienic standards for the population;
-less problems in maintenance of the sewerage system;
-protection of the watercourse;
-proper functioning of the WWTP Kichevo.
The specific objective of this assignment is Rehabilitation and Extension of the Sewerage Network in the Municipality of Kichevo, which will be implemented according to the FIDIC Conditions of Contract (“Red Book”, 1999 edition). |
Project Outputs/Activities |
The Investment project for collection of sewer waters in the municipality of Kicevo will be in the municipality of Kicevo and will serve for additional capacity of 16.000 PE, construction of new sewer system of approximately 69 km length, construction of trunk sewers of approximately 27 km length, construction of pumping stations, rehabilitation of the sewer system in length of 8,24 km, construction of manholes and households connections for approximatively 4,633. |
Start Date |
24.02.2023 |
End Date |
23.02.2026 |
Project type |
Works Contract |
Project Budget |
16.078.463,71 € |
Contractor’s name |
Akelik Group LLC, Azerbaijan |
Beneficiary |
Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning |
Responsible Implementing Department within MoEPP as end beneficiary |
Water Department |
End Beneficiary (other than MoEPP such as municipality and PUC) |
Municipality of Kichevo
PUC “Komunalec” – Kichevo |
Project Related Links (Websites) |
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Supervision of the Implementation of the Works Contract for Rehabilitation and Extension of the Sewerage Network in the Municipality of Kichevo
Project Data of EU funded project through IPA 2014-2020 |
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Project Title |
Supervision of the Implementation of the Works Contract for Rehabilitation and Extension of the Sewerage Network in the Municipality of Kichevo
EuropeAid/139954/IH/SER/MK |
Main Objectives of the Project |
The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is as follows:To improve municipal wastewater collection infrastructure in compliance with the directive 91/271/EEC and National Law.The Project envisages measures for rehabilitation and extension of sewerage network in the Municipality of Kichevo, which would contribute to the following:
-Improved hygienic standards for the population;
-Less problems in maintenance of the sewerage system;
-Prevention of surface and groundwater pollution and protection of the Vardar watercourse;
-Proper functioning of the Central WWTP. |
Project Outputs/Activities |
Inception Report, Interim Reports (every six month), Final Report
In order to ensure proper implementation of works contract, the Engineer will provide a number of sub-activities with certain specific aims:
To provide technical and financial supervision and ensure the completion of works as defined in the Location Permit and in accordance with Building Permits and Employer’s Requirements, within the specified time-frame and within the contracted budget.
To provide supervision service of the construction works for the Rehabilitation and Extension of the Sewerage Network in the Municipality of Kichevo.
To provide supervision service during the Defect Notification Period for the contract. |
Start Date |
10.02.2020 |
End Date |
10.05.2023 |
Project type |
Service Contract (Fee-Based) |
Project Budget |
627.000,00 € |
Contractor’s name |
Eptisa Servicios de Ingenieria SI, Spain in consortium with: Eptisa Southeast Europe d.o.o (SR) and with capacity providers Eptisa Romania SRL (RO), Etpisa Adria Doo (HR), and Eptisa Muh. Ve Mus. Hiz. Bil. Ins. Tic. Ltd. Sti (TR) |
Beneficiary |
Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning |
Responsible Implementing Department within MoEPP as end beneficiary |
Wаter Department |
End Beneficiary (other than MoEPP such as municipality and PUC) |
Municipality of Kichevo
PUC “Komunalec” – Kichevo |
Project Related Links (Websites) |
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Supply of IT and other specific equipment for the Environmental Monitoring and Information System, Lot 2: Supply of air quality equipment for Environmental Monitoring System
Project Data of EU funded project through IPA 2014-2020 |
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Project Title |
Supply of IT and other specific equipment for the Environmental Monitoring and Information System, Lot 2: Supply of air quality equipment for Environmental Monitoring System
NEAR/SKP/2021/EA-OP/0175 |
Main Objectives of the Project |
The overall objective is to improve environmental data collection, monitoring, data management and reporting.
The purpose of the contract is supply, delivery, unloading, installation and putting into operation of Air Quality Equipment in order to strengthen the capacity for monitoring, data collection, data management and reporting through establishment of national environmental information system and monitoring network structure. |
Project Outputs/Activities |
Supply of air quality equipment |
Start Date |
20.11.2023 |
End Date |
18.04.2024 (warranty period 18.04.2025) |
Project type |
Supply Contract |
Project Budget |
378.800,00 EUR |
Contractor’s name |
ECOMAKS SOLUTIONS limited liability company Belgrade- Savski Venec |
Beneficiary |
Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning |
Responsible Implementing Department within MoEPP as end beneficiary |
Macedonian Environmental Information Centar |
End Beneficiary (other than MoEPP such as municipality and PUC) |
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Project Related Links (Websites) |
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Preparation and revision of the National Waste Planning documents
Project Data of EU funded project through IPA 2014-2020 |
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Project Title |
Preparation and revision of the National Waste Planning documents
NEAR/SKP/2021/EA-RP/0184 |
Main Objectives of the Project |
The overall objective (impact) of the project of this action contributes is:
To prepare, review and align the key strategic waste planning documents in the country, to deliver long-term policy measures which will allow all stakeholders to invest and develop the infrastructure and services necessary to align with the EU Acquis for waste management.
The specific objective (outcome) of this contract is as follows:
To review and update the key strategy waste management policy and deliver documents namely the National Waste Management Strategy. The project will develop National Sludge Management Strategy, also will deliver detailed assessment reports on the National Waste Prevention plan and the 6 Regional Waste Management Plans, in order to advise MoEPP on their level of integration and provide an overall infrastructure capacity assessment. |
Project Outputs/Activities |
Output 1 to Outcome 1: Preparation and delivery of the National Waste Management Strategy (NWMS) (2024 to 2036) with associated Strategy Environmental Assessment,
Output 2 to Outcome 1: Preparation of National Sludge Management Strategy (NSMS) (2024-2034) with associated Strategic Environmental Assessment,
Output 3 to Outcome 1: Review and Report on the 6 Regional Waste Management Plans and
Output 4 to Outcome 1: Review and Report on the National Waste Prevention Plan (2021 to 2027). |
Start Date |
13.11.2023 |
End Date |
13.05.2025 |
Project type |
Service Contract (Global price) |
Project Budget |
380.000,00 € |
Contractor’s name |
Cowi A/S |
Beneficiary |
Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning |
Responsible Implementing Department within MoEPP as end beneficiary |
Waste Department |
End Beneficiary (other than MoEPP such as municipality and PUC) |
all municipalities in the 8 planning regions |
Project Related Links (Websites) |
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Supporting the implementation of the regional waste management systems in the East and North-East Regions
Project Data of EU funded project through IPA 2014-2020 |
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Project Title |
“Supporting the implementation of the regional waste management systems in the East and North-East Regions”
(NEAR/SKP/2022/EA-RP/0137) |
Main Objectives of the Project |
To strengthen the capacities and capabilities and increase the efficiency of the local government structures for managing the inter-regional waste management system, as well as to improve public awareness of and participation in waste management issues thus protecting the environment by reducing waste generation, improving waste collection efficiency, increasing waste recovery and achieving a reduction in littering. |
Project Outputs/Activities |
- Output 1 to Outcome 1 – Development and implementation of a Regional waste management public awareness program and Campaign that will support the implementation of the Regional waste management system in the E&NE Regions.
- Output 2 to Outcome 1 – Revision of the existing Regional Waste Management Plans (RWMPs) and preparation of Strategic Environmental Assessments for East and North-East region.
- Output 3 to Outcome 1 – Development of formal and professional institutional arrangements for the Inter-Regional Waste Management Enterprise (IRWME) and the Regional Waste Management Centres (RWMC) for the E&NE regions.
- Output 4 to Outcome 1 – Strengthening the capacity of the Public Communal Enterprises (PCE) in 18 municipalities for waste management in E&NE regions.
- Output 5 to Outcome 1 – Supporting the RWMCs and municipalities regarding improvements to deliver effective and efficient inspection, enforcement and supervision of PCE and IRWME for E&NE regions.
Start Date |
22.01.2024 |
End Date |
22.01.2026 |
Project type |
Service Contract |
Project Budget |
1.750.000,00 € |
Contractor’s name |
ENVIROPLAN MELETHTIKH-SYMBOYLOI ANAPTYKSIAKON & TEXNIKON ERGON SOCIETE ANONYME (GR) in consortium with WEglobal Srl. (IT) and with capacity provider with Enviroplan Projects S.A (GR) |
Beneficiary |
Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning |
Responsible Implementing Department within MoEPP as end beneficiary |
Waste Department |
End Beneficiary (other than MoEPP such as municipality and PUC) |
11 municipalities of the East Region (Stip, Probistip, Kocani, Karbinci, Vinica, Cesinovo-Oblesevo, Zrnovci, Makedonska Kamenica, Delcevo, Pehcevo and Berovo), as well as Sveti Nikole Municipality.
6 municipalities of the North East Region (Kumanovo, Lipkovo, Staro Nagoricane, Kratovo, Rankovce and Kriva Palanka) |
Project Related Links (Websites) |
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Further strengthening the capacities for effective implementation of the acquis in the field of industrial pollution
Project Data of EU funded project through IPA 2014-2020 |
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Project Title |
Further strengthening the capacities for effective implementation of the acquis in the field of industrial pollution |
Main Objectives of the Project |
The overall objective of this project is to protect human health and the environment by reducing harmful industrial emissions in all environmental media (water, air and soil).
The specific objective is to further strengthen the national and local administrative capacities in the area of industrial pollution by improving the integrated environmental permits, which should contain conditions set in accordance with the principles and provisions of the Industrial Emission Directive (IED) and Best Available Techniques Conclusions (BATC). |
Project Components/Results |
The project is structured in three components. The results to be achieved are:
Component 1 – Legal framework harmonized
Mandatory result 1.1:.Gap assessment of the degree of compliance of the existing primary and secondary legislation prepared, with relevant action points agreed and implemented
Mandatory result 1.2: Draft amended Law on industrial emissions control, draft new secondary legislation and amended existing secondary legislation prepared (if necessary according to gap assessment)
Component 2 – Improved EIA procedure for IED activities
Mandatory result 2.1: Impact assessment process within the EIA procedure for sectors falling under IED improved
Mandatory result 2.2: Administrative capacities for EIA procedure for sectors falling under IED strengthened.
Component 3 – Improved IPPC permitting process
Mandatory result 3.1: Improved permitting process and settings of ELVs in integrated environmental permits
Mandatory result 3.2: Strengthened capacities of both central- and local-level permit writers
Mandatory result 3.3: Awareness relating Industrial pollution for all relevant stakeholders such as Industrial operators, NGO’s and citizens raised |
Start Date |
01.03.2023 |
End Date |
31.10.2024 |
Project type |
Twinning Grant Contract |
Project Budget |
1.000.000,00 EUR |
Beneficiary’s Name |
Centre of International and European Economic Law (CIEEL) – Republic of Greece |
Final Recipient of the Action |
Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning |
Responsible Implementing Department within MoEPP as Final Recipient |
Department for Industrial Pollution and Risk Management– Unit for Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control |
Target groups/stakeholders (other than MoEPP such as municipality and PUC etc.) |
Ministry of Finance, State Environmental Inspectorate, Industries, NGO’s, Chamber of Commerce,Association of the Units of Local Self Government (ZELS) etc. |
Project Related Links (Websites) |
Facebook page: |

Implementation of the priority actions in climate change sector
Project Data of EU funded project through IPA 2014-2020 |
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Project Title |
Implementation of the priority actions in climate change sector
NEAR/SKP/2022/EA-RP/0108 |
Main Objectives of the Project |
The overall objective of the operation is to contribute to further alignment with the EU climate action legislation, and to create an enabling environment for the successful implementation of the priority mitigation actions developed under the Long-term Strategy on Climate Action.
The purpose of the operation is to implement the list of priority actions set by the Long term strategy on Climate Action and the Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy for the period until 2030 (including the Roadmap for implementation of the Law on Climate Action). The proposed activities have to be seen as a package of legal and inter-institutional instruments on integrated climate action. |
Project Components/Results |
Result 1: Comparative analysis between national and EU legal and policy framework for climate action and recommendations for further alignment in place.
Result 2: The mechanism for GHG emissions from stationary installations developed.
Result 3: The monitoring/ reporting/ verification (MRV) system on policies and measures developed.
Result 4: Enhanced partnership science-policy making on climate action.
Result 5: Mainstreaming climate policies and measures at local level and enhancing civic engagement. |
Start Date |
18.03.2024 |
End Date |
18.09.2026 |
Project type |
Service Contract |
Project Budget |
1.360.000 € |
Beneficiary’s Name |
WEGLOBAL S.R.L (IT) in consortium with Association Centre Interprofessionel Technique d’Etudes de la Pollution Atmospherique (CITEPA) (FR), Tecnica y Proyectos, S.A. (TYPSA (ES), AGRER S.A-N.V (BE) and capacity provider WEglobal (TR) |
Final Recipient of the Action |
Responsible Implementing Department within MoEPP as Final Recipient |
Department of Sustainable Development and Investments |
Target groups/stakeholders (other than MoEPP such as municipality and PUC etc.) |
- The Ministry of Economy;
- The Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Water Economy;
- The Ministry of Finance;
- The Ministry of Transport and Communication;
- The Ministry of Education and Science;
- The Chamber of Commerce;
- Local self-government units;
- Association of local self-government units (ZELS);
- NGO.
Project Related Links (Websites) |
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Support in the Implementation of the Waste Management Legislation and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Scheme
Project Data of EU funded project through IPA 2014-2020 |
Project Title |
Support in the Implementation of the Waste Management Legislation and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Scheme |
Main Objectives of the Project |
The overall objective of this operation is to enable the efficient and effective operation of a modern, accountable recycling and recovery industry in the country, following the principles of the circular economy.
The specific objective is to develop a professional, deliverable, accountable and efficient Extended Producer Responsibility Schemes (EPR system), thus strengthening the capacity of the competent national authorities for waste management and stakeholders for modern waste management and on-line recording and reporting system. |
Project Components/Results |
-Component I: Legal Framework
Result 1.1 Concept notes, options analyses and draft impact assessment papers to facilitate the process for including the stakeholders in the process for developing the legislation, prepared.
Result 1.2 Analytical prerequisites for legislative drafting for establishment of a Producer Balancing Body (PBB) with associated secondary legislation and documents including introduction of international examples and detailed explanation of proposed documents, prepared.
Result 1.3 Mechanisms for central coordination of activities of producers, collective handlers and economic operators identified.
-Component II: Operational and Administrative Capacity
Result 2.1: Operational and administrative capacity on the PBB within the EPR for developing a mechanism for fulfilling its obligation under the EPR schemes, which arise from the new legislation in this area, and which introduce many administrative requirements for the ministry, manufacturers, collective operators, and recyclers, enhanced.
Result 2.2: Procedures for accurate control of quantities of products and packaging placed on the market of North Macedonia, developed. These procedures should include control of collected waste materials, recovered, and recycled, to provide a way to calculate market share and monitor producers, as well as a way of reporting and auditing the above.
-Component III: Information Technology
Result 3.1: Electronic data collection and reporting system for EPR system, developed. |
Start Date |
01.12.2022 |
End Date |
01.12.2024 |
Project type |
Twinning Grant Contract |
Project Budget |
1.000.000,00 € |
Beneficiary’s Name |
Blue Planet Climate Protection Foundation (Kék Bolygó Klimavédelmi Alapítvány) – Republic of Hungary and Umweltbundesamt GmbH (Environment Agency Austria) – Republic of Austria |
Final Recipient of the Action |
Responsible Implementing Department within MoEPP as Final Recipient |
Waste Department |
Target groups/stakeholders (other than MoEPP such as municipality and PUC etc.) |
State and Municipal Environmental Inspectorate, State Market Inspectorate, Regional Waste Management Centres, producers, recyclers, collective schemes, NGOs and all relevant stakeholders in the EPR and PBB (Producer Balancing Body) system. |
Project Related Links (Websites) |
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Improving Capacities for Natura 2000 and CITES
Project Data of EU funded project through IPA 2014-2020
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Project Title |
Improving Capacities for Natura 2000 and CITES |
Main Objectives of the Project |
Strengthening and improving the administrative capacity for harmonizing and implementation of the EU nature protection acquis |
Project Outputs/Activities |
Component I Natura 2000:
– Assessment and preparation of draft Standard Data Form for potential NATURA 2000 sites in whole country (Special Protection Area (SPA) and Proposed Site of Community importance (pSCI) and
– Capacity building program for implementation of NATURA 2000 network.
Component II CITES:
– Preparation of Primary legislation aligned with the Council Regulation (Ec) No 338/97 of 9 December 1996 on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade therein as amended by Regulations (EC) and
– Capacity building program for implementing of CITES Regulative |
Start Date |
01.06.2022 |
End Date |
01.12.2024 |
Project type |
Service |
Project Budget | € |
Contractor’s name |
NIRAS IC Sp.z.o.o. in consortium with The Polish Society for protection of Birds (Ogolnopolskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptakow); EFTAS Fernerkundung Technologietransfer GmbH; FARMAHEM Dooel Skopje; Macedonian Ecological Society (MES) and Stichting BirdLife Europe |
Beneficiary |
Responsible Implementing Department within MoEPP as end beneficiary |
Department of Nature |
End Beneficiary (other than MoEPP such as municipality and PUC) |
The main target groups for the services are:
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy,
Ministry of the Interior,
Ministry of Finance, Customs Administration,
Management authority of protected areas,
Public Enterprise: National Forests with the branch offices and Macedonian Pastures,
State Environmental Inspectorate,
Macedonian Museum of Natural History and
Universities (Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics-Institute of Biology, Faculty of Forestry, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Faculty of Veterinary and Hydro-biological Institute). |
Project Related Links (Websites) |
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Closure of Non-compliance Landfills and Dumpsites in East and North-East Regions
Project Data of EU funded project through IPA 2014-2020 |
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Project Title |
Closure of Non-compliance Landfills and Dumpsites in East and North-East Regions
LOT1 – Closure of Non-compliance Landfills and Dumpsites in the East regionEuropeAid/139269/IH/WKS/MK |
Main Objectives of the Project |
The overall objective of the project is to close and rehabilitate old non-compliant landfills and dumpsites in the East region and by enabling transitional waste disposal services until the establishment of the Regional waste management system. |
Project Outputs/Activities |
The works contract for closure of non-compliant landfills and dumpsites in the East region shall cover the following:
- Clean-up of non-compliant landfills and small dumpsites by excavation of waste and transport of excavated waste in the East region
- Remediation and closure of minimum four (4) old landfills in East Region and by reshaping and construction of a top capping system including leachate and gas collection systems where necessary.
- Reshaping of minimum five (5) old landfills in East Region construction of drainage for leachate collection where necessary. The landfills will not be closed but remain in operation till the completion of the regional waste management centre.
Start Date |
16.03.2022 |
End Date |
16.03.2024 |
Project type |
Works Contract |
Project Budget |
4.565.600,80 € |
Contractor’s name |
Beneficiary |
Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning |
Responsible Implementing Department within MoEPP as end beneficiary |
Waste Department
EU Department |
End Beneficiary (other than MoEPP such as municipality and PUC) |
Inter-Municipal Waste Management Board (IMWMB) of East Region and 11 municipalities of the East Region (Stip, Probistip, Kocani, Karbinci, Vinica, Cesinovo-Oblesevo, Zrnovci, Makedonska Kamenica, Delcevo, Pehcevo and Berovo), as well as Sveti Nikole Municipality and their respective public utility companies.
Inter-Municipal Waste Management Board (IMWMB) of North-East Region and 6 municipalities of the North East Region (Kumanovo, Lipkovo, Staro Nagoricane, Kratovo, Rankovce and Kriva Palanka) and their respective public utilities companies. |
Project Related Links (Websites) |
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Support in establishing Regional Waste Management System - Supply of equipment and vehicles for waste collection in East and North-East Regions
Project Data of EU funded project through IPA 2014-2020 |
Project Title |
Supervision of Works Contract for Closure of Non-compliance Landfills and Dumpsites in East and North-East regions – First Phase
EuropeAid/140258/IH/SER/MK |
Main Objectives of the Project |
The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is as follows:
To close and rehabilitate old non-compliant landfills and dumpsites in the East and North-East region by enabling transitional waste disposal services until the establishment of the Regional waste management system.
The purpose of this contract is as follows:
To assist in works contracts management and successful implementation of the works contracts for Closure of Non-compliance Landfills and Dumpsites in East and North-East regions (Frist Phase) which will be implemented according to the FIDIC Conditions of Contract (“Yellow Book”,1999 edition). |
Project Outputs/Activities |
Inception Report, Interim Reports (every six month), Final Report
In order to ensure proper implementation of works contract, the Engineer will provide a number of sub-activities with certain specific aims:
To provide technical and financial supervision and ensure the completion of works as defined in the Location Permit and in accordance with Building Permits and Employer’s Requirements, within the specified time-frame and within the contracted budget.
To provide supervision service of design and construction of non-compliance landfills and dumpsites in East & North-East regions.
To provide supervision service during the Defect Notification Period for the contract. |
Start Date |
25.11.2021 |
End Date |
25.02.2024 |
Project type |
Service Contract (Fee-Based) |
Project Budget |
593.000,00 € |
Contractor’s name |
ENVIROPLAN CONSULTATS & ENGINEERS consortium with ICP Ingenieurgesellschaft Prof. Czurda & Partner mbH (ICP) |
Beneficiary |
Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning |
Responsible Implementing Department within MoEPP as end beneficiary |
Waste Department
EU Department |
End Beneficiary (other than MoEPP such as municipality and PUC) |
Inter-Municipal Waste Management Board (IMWMB) of East Region and 11 municipalities of the East Region (Stip, Probistip, Kocani, Karbinci, Vinica, Cesinovo-Oblesevo, Zrnovci, Makedonska Kamenica, Delcevo, Pehcevo and Berovo), as well as Sveti Nikole Municipality and their respective public utility companies.
Inter-Municipal Waste Management Board (IMWMB) of North-East Region and 6 municipalities of the North East Region (Kumanovo, Lipkovo, Staro Nagoricane, Kratovo, Rankovce and Kriva Palanka) and their respective public utilities companies. |
Project Related Links (Websites) |
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Support in establishing Regional Waste Management System - Supply of equipment and vehicles for waste collection in East and North-East Regions
Project Data of EU funded project through IPA 2014-2020 |
Project Title |
Support in establishing Regional Waste Management System-Supply of equipment for waste collection in East and North-East Regions, Phase I
Lot 2 –Waste Collection Equipment
EuropeAid/140607/IH/SUP/MK |
Main Objectives of the Project |
Supply, delivery, unloading, installation and putting into operation of equipment for waste collection in East and North-East Regions in order to optimize waste collection services to ensure protecting of the environment from uncontrolled waste disposal in compliance with EU standards. |
Project Outputs/Activities |
Supply of metal containers for residual waste |
Start Date |
19.02.2021 |
End Date |
(warranty period 17.10.2022) |
Project type |
Supply Contract |
Project Budget |
959.173,50 € |
Contractor’s name |
AGT S.P.A with capacity provider: Teksin Konteyner ve Galveniz Sanayi Ticaret Limited Sirketi |
Beneficiary |
Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning |
Responsible Implementing Department within MoEPP as end beneficiary |
Waste Department |
End Beneficiary (other than MoEPP such as municipality and PUC) |
Inter-Municipal Waste Management Board (IMWMB) of East Region and 11 municipalities of the East Region (Stip, Probistip, Kocani, Karbinci, Vinica, Cesinovo-Oblesevo, Zrnovci, Makedonska Kamenica, Delcevo, Pehcevo and Berovo), as well as Sveti Nikole Municipality and their respective public utility companies.
Inter-Municipal Waste Management Board (IMWMB) of North-East Region and 6 municipalities of the North East Region (Kumanovo, Lipkovo, Staro Nagoricane, Kratovo, Rankovce and Kriva Palanka) and their respective public utilities companies. |
Project Related Links (Websites) |
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Project Data of EU funded project through IPA 2014-2020

Project Title |
Support in establishing Regional Waste Management System – Supply of equipment and vehicles for waste collection in East and North-East Regions, Phase I – Lot 1 – Supply of waste collection vehicles
EuropeAid/139385/IH/SUP/MK |
Main Objectives of the Project |
Supply, delivery, unloading, installation, testing, training and putting into operation of vehicles for waste collection in East and North-East Regions, in order to optimize waste collection services to ensure that services are delivered timely to the citizens and that waste will be delivered to the designated sites thus protecting the environment from uncontrolled waste disposal in compliance with EU standards. |
Project Outputs/Activities |
Supply of waste collection vehicles
Start Date |
03.02.2020 |
End Date |
warranty period (30.10.2021) |
Project type |
Supply Contract |
Project Budget |
3.597.440,00 € |
Contractor’s name |
Еxcelor Holding Group EOOD in consortium with Psirgen Makina Imalat Sanayi Demir Sc Porfil Ticaret Limited Sirket |
Beneficiary |
Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning |
Responsible Implementing Department within MoEPP as end beneficiary |
Waste Department |
End Beneficiary (other than MoEPP such as municipality and PUC) |
Inter-Municipal Waste Management Board (IMWMB) of East Region and 11 municipalities of the East Region (Stip, Probistip, Kocani, Karbinci, Vinica, Cesinovo-Oblesevo, Zrnovci, Makedonska Kamenica, Delcevo, Pehcevo and Berovo), as well as Sveti Nikole Municipality and their respective public utility companies.
Inter-Municipal Waste Management Board (IMWMB) of North-East Region and 6 municipalities of the North East Region (Kumanovo, Lipkovo, Staro Nagoricane, Kratovo, Rankovce and Kriva Palanka) and their respective public utilities companies. |
Project Related Links (Websites) |
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Development of the Environmental Monitoring Information System
Project Data of EU funded project through IPA 2014-2020 |
1 |
Project Title |
Development of the Environmental Monitoring Information System
Europe Aid/139107/IH/SER/MK |
Main Objectives of the Project |
- Fully functional National Environmental Information System (NEIS) capable of supporting the monitoring, processing, reporting and dissemination of environmental data;
- Developing an integrated national environmental monitoring network to meet national and international reporting requirements, while provide high quality, comparable and relevant information on the state of environment;
- Strengthening administrative capacity for implementing and maintaining the National Environmental Information System (NEIS) and National Environmental Monitoring Network (NEMN);
- Increase the transparency of public institutions by facilitating access to information and developing a coordinated approach to informing the public sector.
Project Outputs/Activities |
- National Environmental Information System developed, installed, tested and operational;
- National Environmental Monitoring Strategy and Action Plan, backed up with National Environmental Monitoring Programme prepared;
- Administrative Capacity for Environmental Information System and Monitoring further strengthened via short term training programme;
- Procedures developed for environmental information dissemination and access to information.
Start Date |
10.03.2019 |
End Date |
09.03.2021 |
Project type |
Service Contract |
Project Budget |
1.369.050,00 € |
Contractor’s name |
Particip GmbH (DE) |
Beneficiary |
Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning |
Responsible Implementing Department within Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning as end beneficiary |
Macedonian Environmental Information Centre |
End Beneficiary (other than Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning such as municipality and PUC) |
Ministry of Finance;
Ministry of Health and its Public Health Institution within the Ministry of Health;
Ministry of Local Self Government;
Ministry for Information Society and Administration;
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy;
Hydro Meteorological Institute and Hydro Biological Institute Ohrid;
State Environmental Inspectorate; Agency for the Real Estate Cadastre; State Statistical Office;
Business associations (e.g. Chamber of Commerce, Association of Packagers, and Association of Operators with Secondary Raw Materials). |
Project Related Links (Websites) |
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Preparation of long-term Strategy and the Law on Climate Action
Project Data of EU funded project through IPA 2014-2020 |
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Project Title |
Preparation of long-term Strategy and the Law on Climate Action
Europe Aid/139221/IH/SER/MK |
Main Objectives of the Project |
- To carry out the necessary analyses of the current situation and conditions in the Beneficiary country and assessments in preparation of the long-term Strategy and the Law on Climate Action, and in support of the adoption and implementation.
- To establish a strong and sustainable framework for coordinating climate action by development the national strategic and legal framework for climate action through the long-term Strategy and Law on Climate Action (Law), including the Action Plan for the initial phase of implementation.
- To establish the monitoring mechanism of GHG emissions in line with the EU Monitoring Mechanism Regulation No 525/2013 and its implementing provisions.
- To strengthen the administrative capacity in line with EU accession in achieving low carbon competitive economy and climate resilient society/economy.
- To raise awareness on climate action, support the stakeholders’ consultations and facilitate inter-ministerial and inter-sectoral cooperation on the Strategy and Law.
Project Outputs/Activities
- Completed analysis that includes background analytical and technical reports on specific strategic and legal issues that will serve as background and input to the Strategy and Law. The reports should be concise, directed at policy-makers, and focus on providing input to Strategy and Law.
- Prepared Report on assessment of the capacity, administrative and financial needs for implementation of Strategy and Law, and on the legal competences of governmental and executive bodies, with conclusion on the Strategy and Law.
- Prepared Report on the road map for transposition and implementation of EU climate acquis, with recommendations on the legal framework to be established by the Law on Climate Action.
- Prepared Report on assessment of the current knowledge and research results as well as gaps on GHG scenarios and low emissions and climate resilient development paths, assessment of mitigation measures, including the assessment of economic impact, and on the research and decision-making framework for the path towards future targets, with policy-relevant conclusions to be included in Strategy and Law.
- Prepared Report on the country’s vulnerability to climate change, based on available studies, with identification of priority adaptation/climate resilience objectives, including the research and decision-making framework, with policy-relevant conclusions to be included in Strategy and Law.
- Completed draft long-term Strategy on Climate Action.
- Completed draft legal text of the Law on Climate Action with secondary legislation.
- Completed Secondary legislation transposing MMR and consequent amendments and Implementation plan of MMR developed.
- Completed draft Action Plan on implementation of the initial phase of Strategy and Law.
- Completed Implementation plan and legal framework for the system for the monitoring mechanism of GHG emissions, in line with the EU Monitoring Mechanism Regulation No 525/2013.
- Completed Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment report on the long-term Strategy on Climate Action.
- Completed training activities, supporting the strategic and legal framework for climate action.
- Concluded awareness raising, visibility events and stakeholder consultation activities.
- Activity 1: Inception phase
- Activity 2: Preparatory analysis/assessment for the long-term Strategy and Law on Climate Action
- Activity 3: Development of the draft long-term Strategy on Climate Change
- Activity 4: Alignment of national legislation to the monitoring and reporting regulation MMR and consequent amendments
- Activity 5: Development and drafting of the Law on Climate Action
- Activity 6: Development of the draft Action Plan on Climate Change
- Activity 7: Training programme on implementation of the strategic and legal framework for climate action
- Activity 8: Awareness raising, visibility and stakeholder consultations.
Start Date |
15.02.2019 |
End Date |
15.08.2020 |
Project type |
Service Contract (Global Price) |
Project Budget |
1.149.804,00 € |
Contractor’s name |
GFA Consulting Group GmbH |
Beneficiary |
Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning |
Responsible Implementing Department within Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning as end beneficiary |
Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning |
End Beneficiary (other than Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning such as municipality and PUC) |
Various target groups |
Project Related Links (Websites) | |
Improvement of the Wastewater Collection Infrastructure in the City of Skopje
Project Data of EU funded project through IPA 2014-2020 |
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Project Title |
Improvement of the Wastewater Collection Infrastructure in the City of Skopje
EuropeAid/137719/IH/WKS/MK |
Main Objectives of the Project |
Improving of the environment and human health through the collection and treatment of the waste waters of Skopje |
Project Outputs/Activities |
Construction of the main collectors for waste water on left and right side of the river Vardar |
Start Date |
14.02.2018 |
End Date |
14.02.2020 |
Project type |
Works Contract |
Project Budget |
9.680.140,27 € |
Contractor’s name |
GUINTOLI S.A.S. in consortium with Construction, Trade and Services company BAUER BG LTD Skopje and NGE Contracting S.A.S. |
Beneficiary |
Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning |
Responsible Implementing Department within Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning as end beneficiary |
EU Department
Water Department |
End Beneficiary (other than Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning such as municipality and PUC) |
PUC ”Vodovod i kanalizacija”, Skopje
City of Skopje |
Project Related Links (Websites) |
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Supervision of the implementation of the works contract for Improvement of the Wastewater Collection Infrastructure in the City of Skopje
Project Data of EU funded project through IPA 2014-2020 |
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Project Title |
Supervision of the implementation of the works contract for Improvement of the Wastewater Collection Infrastructure in the City of Skopje
Europe Aid/137717/IH/SER/MK |
Main Objectives of the Project |
The overall objective is as follows:
To improve municipal wastewater collection infrastructure in compliance with the directive 91/271/EC and Macedonian Law.
The project envisages measures for upgrading of the existing sewerage system in the city of Skopje, which would contribute to the following:
- Improved hygienic standards for the population
- Less problems in maintenance of the sewerage system
- Prevention of surface and groundwater pollution and protection of the Vardar watercourse
- Proper functioning of the future Central Waste Water Treatment Plant.
Project Outputs/Activities |
Inception Report, Interim Reports (every six month), Final Report
Section 1 – Construction of trunk sewer on the right bank of the river Vardar
Section 2 – Construction of trunk sewer on the left bank of the river Vardar
Section 3 – Construction of trunk sewer from the pumping station “Makoshped” to the connection to new main trunk sewer on the right bank of the river Vardar
In order to ensure proper implementation of works contract, the Engineer will provide a number of sub-activities with certain specific aims:
- To provide technical and financial supervision and ensure the completion of works as defined in the Location Permit and in accordance with Building Permits and Employer’s Requirements, within the specified time-frame and within the contracted budget.
- To provide supervision service during the construction of wastewater collection infrastructure and
- To provide supervision service during the Defect Notification Period for the contract.
Start Date |
07.02.2017 |
End Date |
06.03.2021 |
Project type |
Service Contract (Fee-based) |
Project Budget |
998.850,00 € |
Contractor’s name |
Safege |
Beneficiary |
Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning |
Responsible Implementing Department within Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning as end beneficiary |
EU Department
Water Department |
End Beneficiary (other than Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning such as municipality and PUC) |
PUC “Vodovod i Kanalizacija”, Skopje
City of Skopje |
Project Related Links (Websites) |
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Strengthening the administrative capacities for implementation of Waste Framework Directive (WFD) and Special Waste Streams Directives (WEEED, WBAD and WPD)
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Project Goal |
The overall objective of this twinning project is to further approximate and implement the environmental acquis, through strengthening the administrative capacities for environmental management on central and local level in the field of waste management. |
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Project Purpose |
The specific purpose of the twinning project is to strengthen the administrative capacity and undertake measures for implementation of Waste Framework Directive (WFD) and Special Waste Streams Directives (WEEED, WBAD and PPWD) through further development and implementation of the legislation and provision of trainings. |
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Project Location |
Skopje, Macedonia |
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Project Duration |
21 months
Start: 26th September 2016 End: 25th June 2018 |
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Project Value |
€1,010,526.30 |
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Origin of Funding |
Delegation of the European Union to the Former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia (95%) and the Macedonian Ministry of Finance, Central Financing and Contracting
Department (5%) – MK 12 IPA IB EN 02 16 |
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Official Project Partners and associates |
UK Lead: Northern Ireland Co-operation Overseas (NI-CO), supported by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) and Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA)
Spanish Junior Partner:Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas (FIIAPP), supported bythe Galician Regional Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructures (XUNTA) |
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Beneficiary organisations |
Beneficiary Counterpart: Macedonian Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MoEPP)
Other Organisations: Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Health, local authorities and NGOs and others as appropriate |
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Key Project staff |
– UK Project Leader: Mr Dave Foster, DAERA
– Spanish Junior Project Leader: Mrs Monica Perez Medina, Xunta
– Resident Twinning Adviser (RTA) in Skopje: Mr Graham Byrne
– Local Project Staff: Mrs Ivana Kostoski (RTA Assistant), Mrs Natalija Kunovska-Cingarska (RTA Language Assistant) |
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Main Activities |
- Component 1: Strengthening of the administrative capacity for implementation of Waste Framework Directive (WFD) at the central and local level through further development of legislation, guidelines and relevant training, including:
- Review and comparative analysis of the national legislation vs EU acquis
- Support of the alignment process of the national legislation in relation to WFD and preparation of relevant guidelines
- Institutional review and assessment of the administrative capacities for implementation of waste legislation
- Develop and conduct tailor-made training programme on waste related legislation and procedures for implementation of WFD
- Study visit to UK.
- Component 2: Enhancing the administrative capacity of the waste management staff for implementation of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEED) at the central and local level
- Assessment and gap analysis of the national legislation in relation to implementation of the WEEED
- Strengthening of domestic legislation in relation to implementation of the WEEE
- Assess the administrative capacities on central and local level for implementation of LoWEEE
- Develop and conduct tailor-made training programme on waste related legislation and procedures for implementation of WEEED
- Study visit to Spain.
- Component 3: Strengthening administrative capacity for implementation of Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD) and Waste Batteries and Accumulators Directive (WBAD)at the central and local level
- Review of the legislation in relation to implementation of the PPWD and WBAD
- Strengthening of domestic legislation in relation to implementation of the law on Management of Packaging and Waste Packaging (LoMPWP) and Management on Batteries and Accumulators and Waste Batteries and Accumulators (LoMBAWBA)
- Assess the administrative capacities on central and local level for implementation of the law on Management of Packaging and Waste Packaging (LoMPWP) and Management on Batteries and Accumulators and Waste Batteries and Accumulators (LoMBAWBA).
- Develop and implement tailor-made training programme on waste related legislation and procedures for central and local level staff relevant to implementation of the LoPWP and LoBAWBA.
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Expected results |
- The administrative capacity for implementation of Waste Framework Directive strengthened.
- The administrative capacity strengthened and measures for implementation of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEED) undertaken.
- The administrative capacity strengthened and measures for implementation of Packaging and packaging waste directive (PPWD) and Waste Batteries and Accumulators Directive (WBAD) undertaken.

Twinning Project MK 13 IPA EN 01 16 Strengthening the capacities for effective implementation of the acquis in the field of water quality
Objective of the project
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to sustainable development of the country by strengthening the administrative capacities in the field of water management and to improve water quality by supporting the implementation of the water management related legislation including Directive 2007/60/EC on the assessment and management of flood risks and climate change.
The project purpose is to strengthen the administrative capacities in the area of water management by implementing the appropriate EU acquis. In particular the project will assist national authorities in drafting the Vardar River Basin Management Plan and in harmonizing and implementing secondary legislation in the area of water monitoring and water permitting.
Project Components
The project has five components:
- Component 1: Strengthening water permittingsystem
- Component 2: Drafting relevant secondary legislationto ensure the implementation of EU water acquis
- Component 3: Strengthening national watermonitoring system
- Component 4: Finalizing the Vardar River BasinManagement Plan (VRBMP) and related Program ofMeasures
- Component 5: Strengthening administrative capacityfor water management
Mandatory results
Component 1:
- Mandatory result in component 1 is the increased effectiveness of the existing permitting system in the water sector, strengthened administrative and technical capacity of the MoEPP/Water Department in processing, monitoring and enforcing permit applications to be in line with the EU acquis as transposed into national legislation generally.
Component 2:
- Mandatory result in component 2 is the set of secondary legislation and related guidelines in accordance with the relevant EU water legislative framework – EU best practices – are drafted and harmonized with the existing and/or upcoming primary legislation.
Component 3:
- Mandatory result in component 3 is the strengthened national water monitoring system in order to align the national surface water monitoring systems (quantity and quality) and ground water monitoring system to the specific requirements of WFD and relevant EU legislation.
Component 4:
- Mandatory result in component 4 is the finalization of characterization of the Vardar River Basin and development of all elements of the RBMP according to Annex VII of the WFD including a climate check, and submission of RBMP to relevant stakeholders for public consultation.
Component 5:
- Mandatory result in component 5 is the strengthened capacity and capability of Water Department staff and related structures for preparation and implementation of the RBMB, water permitting and water monitoring.
Beneficiary institutions and other parties involved
The main Beneficiary is the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MoEPP), represented through the Administration of Environment.
Close cooperation, communication and coordination will be required with the following stakeholders:
- All relevant departments within the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning -Administration of Environment
- Hydro Meteorological Service under the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy.
Project Data
Budget: 1,200,000 EUR
Implementation period: 21 months
Project start: 1 May 2017
Main Beneficiary:Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning
Member State Institutions:
Main Partner: Environment Agency Austria(Umweltbundesamt)
Junior Partner: Ministry of Environment of theRepublic of Lithuania
Junior Partner: National Institute for Public Health andthe Environment from the Netherlands
Twinning Project Further strengthening the capacities for effective implementation of the acquis in the field of air quality
Recognizing the need to improve the air quality, the European Union together with the beneficiary country institutions, is funding the Twinning Project ‘Further strengthening the capacities for effective implementation of the acquis in the field of air quality’. The project duration is 21 months (May 2015 – January 2017) with a budget of 1.1 million Euros. Further information of the project activities can be found on our web page

Twinning-project “Strengthening the administrative capacities on central and local level for transposition and implementing new Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU”
About the project
The Twinning Programme
Twinning is a European Union instrument for institutional cooperation between Public Administrations of EU Member States (MS) and of beneficiary countries (BC). It was originally designed in 1998 to help candidate countries of the time to acquire the necessary skills and experience to adopt, implement and enforce EU legislation.
More specifically, in the IPA region, Twinning aims to provide support for the transposition, implementation and enforcement of the EU legislation (the Union acquis). It builds up capacities of beneficiary countries’ public administrations throughout the accession process, resulting in progressive, positive developments in the region.
Project Background:
The largest industrial installations account for a considerable share of total emissions of key atmospheric pollutants, and have other important impacts, including emissions into water and soil, generation of waste and the use of energy. The Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (IED) sets the main principles for permitting and control of installations based on an integrated approach and on best available techniques (BAT). The Directive replaces seven existing Directives relating to industrial installations and stipulates binding requirements for the operation of industrial installations which are stricter than previously applicable under EU legislation.
With the new project, Macedonia clearly demonstrates its willingness to legally implement the European environmental standards for industrial installations.
The Objective of the project
The overall objective is to increase the effectiveness of the country’s preparation for EU accession and to ensure efficiency of EU programmes in the country.
The project aims at strengthening the administrative capacity on national level and local level for transposition and implementation of the IED in Macedonia. The project foresees the preparation for development of primary and secondary legislation in accordance with IED, assessment of the economic impact, capacity building on central and on local level and assessment of the equipment necessary for in the implementation of the IED. The project will be implemented during the years 2015 – 2016.
Project Components
The project has four components:
Component 1: Assessment of the economic impact of the implementation of the industrial emissions directive 2010/75/EU to the industrial sector
- Regulatory impact analysis of the implementation of IED to the relevant industrial sector as well as for the relevant administration will be performed
- Assessment of the report on the economic impact of the implementation of IED to the relevant industrial sectors as well as for the relevant administration with recommendations will be prepared and the next steps with the Ministry discussed and agreed
Component 2: Development of primary and secondary environment legislation in accordance with new industrial emissions directive 2010/75/EU
- Gap assessment and analysis of compliance of existing legislation with IED
- A new Law on Control on Emissions from Industry transposing Industrial Emission Directive will be prepared
- Secondary legislation in accordance with Industrial Emission Directive will be prepared
Component 3: Strengthening of central and local administrative capacity for implementation of the new Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU
- The central and local administrative capacity for transposition and practical implementation of the new IED 2010/75/EU will be analysed and plans/recommendations for its strengthening proposed
- Implementation of the Industrial Emission Directive will be supported through several types of training, workshops and seminars
- Selected permits (A and B) will be analysed and assessed and pilot permits in accordance with IED (BAT) in selected sectors will be drafted
- Manuals and guidelines for practical implementation of IED will be developed
- Study Tours to will be organised in order to exchange the experiences, visit installations in the Member State Countries and discuss the implementation of the IED
Component 4: Preparing priority list of equipment necessary for implementation of new Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU
- The existing equipment will be analysed in detail
- A list of additional equipment required for IED implementation will be prepared and its delivery discussed
Project data
Title: Strengthening the administrative capacities on central and local level for transposition and implementing new Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU
Budget: 900.000 Euro
Implementation period: 15 Months
Start of the Implementation: 1st of October 2015
Main Beneficiary: Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, Administration of Environment
Member State Institutions:
Lead Partner Austria: Environment Agency Austria
Junior Partner Spain: Galician Regional Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructures and FIAPP
List of signed projects in Part I and III Component within IPA 2007-2013