МК – NI 038



The indicator provides information on the number of forest fires on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. It also provides information on the magnitude of forest fires presenting the area subjected to fire and the type of wood mass seized by fire, as well as the total damage caused by fire.


The area seized by fire is expressed in ha (hectares), while wood mass seized by fire is expressed in m3. The total damage from forest fires is expressed in denars, as well as number of forest fires.

Key policy issue

What is the status of forest fires in the Republic of Macedonia? What is the number of forest fires, what is the area and wood mass affected by fire?

Key message

In the Republic of Macedonia, rapid increase in the number of fires, area and mass affected by fire was tracked during the analyzed period, reaching the maximum of 652 fires in 2007. Then, there was a trend of gradual fall by 2009 with 61 fire events, and then the number of fires started to rise again in the following years.

The number of fires in 2016 compared to the number of fires in 2009 noted rise approximately 2.4 times.

Figure 1. Number of forest fires


Figure 2. Area under fire



Figure 3. Wood mass subjected to fire


Figure 4. Total damage from fires expressed in denars


Data coverage: excel

Source: Public Enterprise for Forests Management – “Macedonian Forests”


Forest fires are among the most severe problems in forestry, as well as environment as a whole in the Republic of Macedonia. Great quantity of wood mass is destroyed by forest fires and this is an economic problem. Forest fires cause pollution of air, soil and water. Burnt woods are source of pathogens and pests. There is also increase in erosive processes in burnt areas, disturbed balance of water regime, loss of vegetation and desertification. Almost95% of forest fires are caused by man. At an average, forest fires destroyed around 8,821.79haforest per year during the analyzed period. In the period from 1999 to 2016, the average number of forests per year was 204. In2007, due to extreme draughts and human factor, the number of forest fires reached 652 fires at an area of around 35.000 ha.

In proportion with the parameters discussed above, the overall damage from fires by year expressed in denars was highest in 2007 reaching the value of 1,311,167,721.95 denars. In 2016, this value was 211,363,850denars. The overall average damage from fires in the period from 1999 to 2016 amounted 322,364,897denars per year.

  • Methodology for the indicator calculation

Data and the indicator calculation were made by the Public Enterprise for Forests Management of the Republic of Macedonia – “Macedonian Forests”.

Policy relevance of the indicator

List of relevant policy documents:

The Second National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP 2) defines measures for improved protection against forest fires, instructions on the need for capacity strengthening for sustainable forest management, as well as development of strategy for forest protection against fires.

Strategy for Sustainable Development of Forestry in the Republic of Macedonia.

Legal grounds

  • Law on Forests, which regulates forests and forest resources management and protection. Protection of forests is integrated and indivisible part of the overall forest management. In the context of forests protection against fires and regulation of measures in this area, we should also mention the 2001 Rulebook on specific measures for forest protection against fires.
  • Law on Natural Rarities Protection
  • Law on National Parks Protection
  • Law on Fire Prevention.

Compliance with the legislation concerning forests and forest resources protection. Reduction of forest fires number, reduction of wood mass and forest area affected by forest fires. Reduction of costs and damages resulting from forest fires. Increase of the public awareness in relation to fire prevention and undertaking all possible measures to reduce human factor as forest fires cause.

General metadata
Code Title of the indicator Compliance with CSI/ЕЕА or other indicators Classification by DPSIR Тype Linkage with area Frequency of publication
МКNI 038 Forest fires


  • Soil
  • Forestry
  • Agriculture
  • Nature
  • Urbanization
Last modified: Wednesday February 26th, 2020